2020年 UCLA-CSST暑期科研实践项目通知


UCLA的暑研项目 CSST (http://csst.ucla.edu)  自2008年开办至今已经历了11年。该项目由孙仁教授主导,选拔优秀的中国及日本高校大三的学生。在此项目中,学生需要在10周的时间内和UCLA的共同完成科研任务。此项目旨在各个领域内为UCLA选拔、培养潜在的博士生候选人。


2020 early July - mid September (tentative)



2.学业成绩优异出众 (要求提交 GPA 和排名)。


4.英语专业程度——托福79;雅思6.5 (如被录取,最迟在2020年3月1日前提交成绩单)。



NOTE: 建议学生在参加该项目前考出 GRE (有利于项目方对博士录取资格进行评估),项目申请时不要求。详见项目信息PDF。

We are delighted to announce the 12th year of UCLA CSST Program. Attached please fine the Program Information. 

About 90% of CSST participants came from Biomedical & Life Sciences, Physical Science, and Engineering majors (STEM majors: Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics). But we also welcome students from non-STEM majors such as Geology, Sociology, Political Science, Urban Planning, Economics etc. 

The specific goals of the CSST Summer Program are to: 

 Develop students’ research career potentials 

 Foster cross-disciplinary interaction and research

 Develop a community of CSST colleagues

 Identify and recruit top students to UCLA PhD programs

The online application has opened. 

The tentative timeline for the recruitment process is as follows:

Early Nov 2019: Program Announcement and Application Submission

Apply online: https://r.csst.ucla.edu/register/csstregister.cfm

Application deadline: Nov. 18th, 11:59PM, PST 申请截止时间:2019年 11月18日 晚11:59, 美西时间

There will be a non-refundable application fee of $120 per applicant


Early Dec 2019: First-round Selection Announced

CSST organizes admission committee to review all applications

Invitations will be sent to selected applicants for interview


Late December 2019 to mid-January 2020: Interviews/Second-round Selection

CSST sends UCLA faculty members to major cities in China and interview second round applicants in-person


Feb 2019: Final Decisions

CSST announces the admitted applicants for the 12th annual cohort of CSST Summer Program 


1.项目介绍:2020 UCLACSST Summer Program Info.pdf



4.申请截止日期:Nov. 18th, 11:59PM, PST (申请截止时间:2019年 11月18日 晚11:59, 美西时间)

5.申请方式: 学生直接官网申请

6.联系方式: If any students have questions or technical difficulties, they can contact Dr. Wu at 

csst@cnsi.ucla.edu directly via email.

6.以往录取情况:参加2018年CSST项目的上科大学生: 荣宇阳(2015级,信息学院);参加2019年CSST 项目的上科大学生: 胡冠洲(2016级,信息学院)。
